12 jul 2024 · murder mystery 2's official value list. Made without bias, by the top clans in mm2, for you all. Been going strong since 2017! Used by over 2. 6 million people! 24 oct 2024 · ice dragon is a tradable godly tier item in murder mystery 2 (mm2).
The original source of this item was: The current trading value of ice dragon is 12 when compared to other items in the game. The price status is considered to be stable. Ice dragon is a godly knife that was originally obtainable by purchasing it for 750 blue tokens during the 2016 christmas event. It is now only obtainable through trading as the event has since ended. 20 dec 2023 · the list includes the mm2 godly weapon’s name and value. At the end of the list, you will also find links to pages with value lists for unique, ancient, legendary, rare, uncommon, common, and vintage weapons. 31 jul 2023 · are you a collector of godly weapons in mm2? If so, you’re probably looking for the current mm2 godly values! A murder mystery 2 value list operated and updated by the top traders in the murder mystery 2 community since 2020. Trusted by more than 3. 5 million people, we're your source for unbiased mm2 values! Our advanced trading grid allows you to check the value of knives, guns, and other items for efficient trading. Stay informed with the latest mm2 item prices. A murder mystery 2 value list operated and updated by the top traders in the murder mystery 2 community since 2020. Trusted by more than 3. 5 million people, we're your source for unbiased mm2 values!
Trusted by more than 3. 5 million people, we're your source for unbiased mm2 values! Our advanced trading grid allows you to check the value of knives, guns, and other items for efficient trading. Stay informed with the latest mm2 item prices. A murder mystery 2 value list operated and updated by the top traders in the murder mystery 2 community since 2020. Trusted by more than 3. 5 million people, we're your source for unbiased mm2 values! Discover the value of godly items in mm2 (murder mystery 2). Our comprehensive list provides accurate prices for ancient knives, guns, and other items to enhance your trading experience. 3 days ago · murder mystery 2's official value list. Made without bias, by the top clans in mm2, for you all. Been going strong since 2017! Used by over 2. 6 million people!
Discover the value of godly items in mm2 (murder mystery 2). Our comprehensive list provides accurate prices for ancient knives, guns, and other items to enhance your trading experience. 3 days ago · murder mystery 2's official value list. Made without bias, by the top clans in mm2, for you all. Been going strong since 2017! Used by over 2. 6 million people!