Harrison butler designed yarinya (ex sea rider) sail n° hb y133 yoldia sail n° hb d81 yonne sail n° hb y132 z: Harrison butler designed zair sail n° not allocated zante sail n° hb z427 zebedee (ex allegro, curlew) sail n° hb z416 zellée sail n° hb z418 zemmery sail n° hb z417 zenocrate sail n. The official website of the harrison butler association, championing the yachting designs of dr thomas harrison butler. Tim frearson, who's a proprietor of traditional shipwright services in poole, has been in touch following the publication on this website of the drawings of harrison butler's poole pilot design. He is delving into the history of his boat, reprieve , which is believed to be a surviving poole pilot cutter, like lone wolf and white heather.
A claim that will chime with those who have seen craig nutter's sabrina racing in the solent. On enquiring about her i got the answer: “she's a british design by your mr harrison butler. She belongs to a doctor here, and he has sailed her all over the baltic. She's a strong seaboat” that seemingly familiar yacht was yoldia, the elder sister of harrison butler's own yacht, vindilis. It is thought that uphams took a harrison butler design as their starting point, possibly his cyclone ii, but enlarged and with a fatter stern. The result was a bigger and, arguably, more sea worthy boat. The harrison butler designed thalamege is back up for sale as a project. Another worthy project is lalern (ar luke). The 2019 hba agm will take place on sunday 24th march at the st john's chirch centre, guildford, surrey, uk. I had the pleasure of first meeting keith & janet bland at the harrison butler association's agm, february 2015. They very kindly lent me a large collection of photographs of their pride and joy i scanned and added to the association archives. Vindilis is the yacht that harrison butler had built for himself and in consequence she is well documented. She features in his book cruising yachts: Design and performance where, in the fourth edition (published in 1995), there are five black and white photographs of vindilis , including one of the interior.
I had the pleasure of first meeting keith & janet bland at the harrison butler association's agm, february 2015. They very kindly lent me a large collection of photographs of their pride and joy i scanned and added to the association archives. Vindilis is the yacht that harrison butler had built for himself and in consequence she is well documented. She features in his book cruising yachts: Design and performance where, in the fourth edition (published in 1995), there are five black and white photographs of vindilis , including one of the interior. This page is an index to all the published yachting designs of dr harrison butler, known to the association. It is arranged in chronological order by earliest identified date of publication.
This page is an index to all the published yachting designs of dr harrison butler, known to the association. It is arranged in chronological order by earliest identified date of publication.